What is the Facebook Project? Well, I hadn't posted anything in a while, and the people who actually read this blog were getting pretty vocal in wanting me to post something. Since nothing was inspiring me to write, I turned to that great bastion of culture and refinement, Facebook, and asked readers to suggest topics that I could blog about. I have to say, I have some weird Facebook friends. So here is what their suggestions inspired. Each fb comment is a separate post, in order of response.
This little project was supposed to be complete, but this late suggestion is near and dear to my heart. I waste a lot of hours at the airport waiting to travel somewhere during the course of my job. There are few things at which I excel more than complaining about it (topped only by my grumbling about the time actually spent on the airplane). And although most of the airports I pass through are updating the decor, I still have to deal with the people and the policies. So without further ado, my own personal top ten list of the worst things about airport travel:

Bonus suggested topic: Airport traveling annoyances
#10: Walking past the sky lounge and knowing you aren't important enough to get inside.
#9: Charging station hogs.
#8: When your luggage gets stacked above another suitcase on the baggage carousel and you can't reach it.
#7: $5 for a package of sour patch kids and no free wifi.
#6: The guy who hovers at the front of the 'elite' boarding line, even though he is seated in Zone 4.
#5: Anyone who talks on a cellphone next to me. Text, dammit!
#4: Getting stuck behind a rookie in security. Yes, you have to take your shoes off. Aaaand your belt.
#3: People who take their shoes off any place else except security (especially the toe-pickers).
#2: Bathroom doors that open INTO stalls that are too small to enter with carryon luggage.
#1: Getting to Gate F14 after walking for 25 minutes, only to be told that your flight now leaves from B68.
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