"When will the modifications to the trusses be finished?"
"When will they be delivered?"
"No trusses yet. When will they be delivered?"
"Still no trusses! When will they be delivered?"
"Where are the trusses!? Seriously, when will they get their act together???"
"Tom--" Well, you get the idea.
This went on for a couple-three weeks, until finally we had trusses! Which then lay on the ground for another week or so, because it was too cold / wet / windy / dark / swarming with locusts to finish prepping them and put them on the house. Then they told us the crane broke. So they fixed it. And it broke again.
But just like Broadway promised, sure enough the sun finally came out. The crane showed up, the trusses went up, and progress was made. We stopped by to watch for a little while and it was pretty cool. And then the crew actually worked again yesterday -on a Saturday!- to begin putting the plywood on the roof.

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